Survival guide for your teeth at Christmas

The holidays are here, Christmas is just around the corner. It’s time to celebrate, have Christmas parties and indulge in delicious foods. During December we tend to drink more with friends and family and treat ourselves to desserts and snacks.
But you must watch out, as the festivities of Christmas may see you going to the dentist sooner than expected.
Which is why we have some holiday tips for you to keep your teeth and gums clean and problem free!
Our top tips for saving your teeth and gums during the festive season
1. Remember to brush, floss and rinse
It is important for you to remember to brush your teeth twice a day to clean away unwanted food debris and plaque that causes tooth decay and other dental issues. Brushing when required after meals is also a great option to keep clean teeth.
We also recommend flossing every evening to remove food debris from between your teeth, where the toothbrush cannot reach. Leaving the food overnight can increase decay and cause other gum and tooth related issues, especially since your mouth produces less saliva overnight.
Rinsing your mouth with water is a great way to remove excess sugars and acids after eating. We also believe that using a mouthwash daily is a great way to kill bacteria and bad breath.
2. Drink plenty of water
Drinking water is extremely important for our bodies, as we need it to maintain our bodily functions and stay hydrated. Water is great for our oral hygiene as it flushes out sugars, food bits and acids from our mouth.
3. Take the healthy options
Why not enjoy eating foods that give back to your body and help your teeth and gums. Choose vegetables, fruit, nuts, poultry, protein rich and fiber rich foods instead of unhealthy options.
This will help you stay healthy over the festive season.
4. Don’t graze on food
The worst habit you can do for your teeth and gums is to graze on foods for prolonged periods of time.
Because the constant flow of food into your mouth does not allow time for your teeth to heal from acid attacks. You need to give your teeth time between food to let it recover.
5. Stay away from sugary and acidic drinks
You should stay away from soft drinks completely if you want to avoid high sugar contents. Juices are sugary and contain acidity, which is not ideal for your teeth and should be washed down with water.
We recommend staying away from sparkling wines as they cause a problem called ‘prosecco smile’, where your teeth pull away from your gums. Overall most alcohols are bad for our oral health and should be drunk in moderation.
At Wahroonga Family Dental Centre our friendly dental team take pride in taking care of our patients’ oral health over the long term. We offer a range of dental treatments, from general check-ups and cleans to more involved treatments.
For more information or to arrange an appointment with our dentists, please click here.